
Another Christmas come and gone. Memories , good and not so good, have shaped this year's holiday. I choose to treasure the good ones. 
A new year awaits me. There will be challenges and blessings. I choose to accept the tough times as an opportunity to grow, to become a better, stronger person. And I will savor each blessing as a gift, hand-crafted for me by my Heavenly Father.
Choices. They will impact who I am as a person. Some can change the course of my life for a moment or forever. I can struggle against them or I can welcome them and ask my Father for guidance, trusting His divine wisdom will guide me to make the best decisions for my life and for His glory.
Choices will abound throughout this next year. How I respond reveals who I am as a person and whose I am as God's child. May I always choose love over hatred or selfish ambition. May I choose mercy over indifference. May I choose patience and gentleness over unkind words. May I choose humility over selfish pride. May I choose Christ over anything or anyone that makes me a lesser witness to His divine grace. May His light shine ever brighter in my life.
Here's to a new year under His wings.


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