
Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

          An interesting word popped up today in my Merriam-Webster-Word-of the-Day email; imperturbable. Merriam-Webster defines this word as “marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude; steadiness.”[1]
          Wouldn’t you love to be referred as “imperturbable?” To be know as someone who doesn’t easily become ruffled or upset? To remain steady and still in the midst of the fray?
          Lately, life in our house has been anything but calm; between back-to-school readjustments, behavior issues, an upcoming surgery, and waking up to a flooded kitchen when our dishwasher went on the fritz, I’m feeling just a little frazzled around the edges.
          Yet as I meet with God first thing each morning, He reminds me over and over that He is with me in each trial, a sure and steady (Imperturbable) refuge in times of trouble.
I have a Bible with wide margins for Bible journaling. Next to Psalm 46, I have a picture of a lighthouse being blasted by enormous waves. Yet, despite the violent storm, the lighthouse stands firm. Why? Because it is anchored to the rock.
          Be still (stop fighting, resisting, fretting, worrying) and know (be certain without a doubt) that I am God. No one is beyond his reach, nothing is beyond his control. If our faith is anchored in Christ, then it is possible to be ‘imperturbable’ no matter what difficulties life throws our way.



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