A Love Like no Other

A Love Like No Other

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us
and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:10 (NIV)

            Greg Lucas understands unconditional love. His son, Jake, has been diagnosed with autism, OCD, cerebral palsy and sensory integration disorder. His grown son is unable to care for his own hygiene, so it falls to Greg and his wife to remove Jake’s diaper, wipe his behind, then bathe him. Because of his sensory issues, Jake does not like to be cleaned. Many times, Greg has been kicked, hit, bitten, and clawed. Yet through it all, Greg holds his son tightly and whispers, “I love you. I love you. I love you – no matter what.”[i]
            Greg goes on to say, “How do you care for someone who resists your love with violence, who opposes your very presence even when that presence is necessary for his good? How do you keep on loving when the person you are devoted to seems incapable of affection? The only way to make any sense of this kind of relationship is to experience it through the truly unconditional love of the Father.”[ii]
            Greg explains he also suffers from a life-affecting disability; it’s called sin. “It causes me to reject love and embrace fear. It plagues me with a slumber that makes me strangely satisfied to lie in my own filth and not be disturbed. It’s not that I like being dirty. I just hate being cleaned… In my son I see a picture of my own relationship with God. In Jake’s defiant refusal to be loved, cared for, and washed, I am reminded of the cross. There, the violence of divine love overpowered my rebellion and forced upon me a process of cleansing redemption that I did not want to undergo. In some ways, the process is still ongoing, and most days, I still resist. In my persistent disability I fight against the transformation being worked in me. But I face a power greater than my own and a love stronger than my rebellion. It is as if a bloody, beaten, crucified Savior wraps me in His arms, subdues me with His affection, and whispers in my ear, “I love you. I love you. I love you – no matter what.”[iii]
            Easter is all about God’s love, a love like no other. He loves us despite ourselves His love is unconditional and sacrificial. There is no greater love than this.

[i] Greg Lucas, Wrestling with an Angel: A Story of Love, Disability, and the Lessons of Grace (Hudson, OH: Cruciform Press, 2010), pg 22
[ii] Ibid, pg 22-23
[iii] Ibid, pg 23-24


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