Treasure These Things

Mary treasured all these things,
and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

            Flickering lights, ornaments on trees, mistletoe and holly, beautiful wreaths, cookies in the oven, gingerbread houses, stockings hanging on the mantle, children counting the days, lengthy lists, large crowds, long lines, discounts galore, record-breaking bargains, school plays, church programs, gift exchanges, cold blasts of arctic air, snow, ice.  Christmas is just around the corner!
            Each year seems to get busier and more expensive. We run here, we run there, in a flurry of activity that is meant to produce the Christmas spirit. But where is the Silent Night, the quiet contemplation of the Advent season, the purposeful disruption from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in careful preparation for the coming birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus-Christ?
            Scripture tells us that, as she sat holding her child, Mary ‘stored’ all these things in her heart. What things? She pondered the words spoken by the shepherds who came to worship the newborn king. She probably contemplated the events that were so carefully orchestrated by the divine hand of God the Father. Certainly, she reflected on the Scriptures and prophecies that predicted the coming of a Savior, Jesus the Messiah. I’m sure she wondered why she, of all people, was chosen to be the one to carry God’s own son in her womb. And we know she carefully wrapped every word, each experience and every miracle into a precious memory she could guard in her heart and her mind.  
            This Christmas season, let’s follow Mary’s example. Slow down and carve out some time to read the nativity story and ponder the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Remember the sacrifice he made, leaving his royal throne in heaven and humbling Himself by taking on a human form and coming into our sinful world as a baby. Meditate on the Scriptures, memorize them and treasure all these things in your heart and mind. Immerse yourself in the true reason for the season. You’ll be glad you did.

There is no greater wonder than this; Jesus came to earth for you and me. 


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