Crafts and Books to Ease Back-to-School Jitters

          Whether starting school for the first time or returning after summer break, school can cause separation anxiety in young children.
Here are a few tips and crafts designed to help ease some of that back-to-school unease.

·        The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn

·        Llama Llama Misses Mama, by Anna Dewdney

·        First Day Jitters, by Julie Danneberg

·        The Invisible String, by Patrice Karst

·        I Love You All Day Long, by Francesca Rusackas

·        The Night Before Kindergarten, by Natasha Wing

·        Click, Clack, Quack to School, by Doreen Cronin

·        When I Miss You, by Cornelia Spelman

·        Hand print – Trace your hand on a piece of paper, then cut out. Draw a heart in the center of your hand print and write “I love you." Child can keep it in his pocket or backpack as a reminder.
·        Heart pencil topper – Trace two identical hearts (1 ½’ by 1 ½”) on red construction paper, then cut out. Trace top inch of pencil on one of the hearts. Put glue on remainder of heart, then stick second heart to first heart. Press two hearts together, then insert pencil.
·        Make two identical bracelets to wear on the first day of school; one for you and one for your child. Each time your child misses you, their bracelet will remind them that you love them and will be waiting when they get home.
·        Create a bookmark; cut out a 6” x 2” rectangle from construction paper. Write “I love you” or draw a heart, then glue a picture of yourself near the bottom.
Remind your child that you love them, that you will be waiting for them at the close of the day, then celebrate with a special treat to mark their first day of school…. Don’t forget to take a photo to commemorate this special day!


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